Green Product Award 2024

We are incredibly proud and delighted to announce that we have won yet another award in such a short time - the Green Product Award 2024.

We would like to thank Green Product Award for this chance to show our project to the world and for the opportunity to get to know other participants and interesting projects.

Since 2013, the international Green Product Award has been honoring products and services that stand out in terms of design, innovation and sustainability. Our innovative LOVR™ product won the Green Product Award 2024 in the „New Materials“ category during the award ceremony on April 30th at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin.

We would like to thank the jury represented by Katarzyna Dulko-Gaszyna, Uwe Melichar, Prof. Claus-Christian Eckhardt and Katja Keienburg for highlighting our product and giving us the honour of winning this year's award.

Revoltech GmbH
Alexanderstr. 8 | 64283 Darmstadt
Registergericht AG Darmstadt HRB Nr. 102162Ust-Ident-Nummer DE 34 762 8674
Verantwortlicher im Sinne von §18 Abs. 2 MStV: Lucas Fuhrmann (Address siehe oben)